Privacy Policy

privacy of this site policy (privacy policy)

◆ Purpose of use of personal information

On this site, you may need to register your personal information such as your name (handle name) and email address when you contact us by e-mail or enter comments. These personal information are used to answer questions and inquiries, or to contact you via e-mail with the necessary information, and are not used for any purpose other than providing personal information.

◆ Disclosure of personal information to third parties

This site manages personal information appropriately and does not disclose it to third parties unless.

  • - with the consent of the person in question
  • - Cases where disclosure is required for cooperation with laws and regulations, etc

However, this does not apply to cases where there is a risk of harming the life and property of the person or a third party or in violation of laws and regulations.

◆ Disclosure and correction of personal information

If you wish to disclose, correct, add, delete or stop using your personal data, we will confirm that you are the person and take prompt action.Please contact us via the inquiry form if you wish.

◆About Cookies

This site uses cookies (cookies) for some content.

Cookies are the information stored in your browser when you visit a site.This cookie does not include personal information such as your name or email address.

In order to deliver effective advertisements to people who visit this site, we may use cookie information for access analysis.

Depending on your browser settings, you can also disable cookies (check your browser settings)

The access analysis and advertising services used on this site are as follows.

  • - Google Analytics
  • - Google AdSense

◆ Third-party advertising services and cookies

This site uses Google AdSense, a third-party advertising service, to display advertisements distributed by third-party distributors and ad networks.

This advertising service uses cookies above to display appropriate ads based on information users have visited this site or previously visited other sites.

For more information on how to disable ads using cookies, see Google's My Ad Center.

Alternatively, you can disable third-party distributor cookies by visiting .

Google My Ad Center access

Alternatively, you can disable third-party distributor cookies by visiting . Access

◆ Changes to privacy policy

This site complies with the applicable Japanese laws and regulations regarding personal information and will review and improve the contents of this policy accordingly.The latest revised privacy policies are always disclosed on this page.

◆ Others

About Google's Advertising Services Google Analytics Google Analytics Google AdSense Google AdSense

If you have any questions, please use the email form.